Bridging Borders: Collaboration between AU and KU Leuven

International collaboration in academia is essential for tackling global challenges. In light of this, Andris Jeminejs and Emily Tsang – ESRs from Aarhus University, Denmark – have embarked on a secondment to KU Leuven, Belgium, to learn new skills and lend their expertise into the multidisciplinary field of continuous biosensing. They were hosted by the […]

Follow up: Consense meets at KU Leuven!

Hey everyone! Last week was the 2nd Consense Week in Leuven, Belgium, where we had an incredible opportunity to learn new skills and share our progress. We heard cool talks about the latest research in the field of photonic plasmonic sensors and ESRs shared their own projects in continuous sensing. Plus, we had an awesome […]

CONSENSE meets in Israel

After five months since the last meeting, the CONSENSE network met again at the Weizmann Institute of Science.



The first CONSENSE Week is taking place from 25-30 April 2022 in Rehovot, Israel. The event is hosted by CONSENSE beneficiary WI. Organised in a hybrid format, the ESRs will receive training on various scientific and transferable skills, as well as provide a presentation to the network about the progress of their individual research projects.

CONSENSE Introduction Days

On 24-25 November 2021, the CONSENSE ITN has its first in-person meeting since the start of the project. Hosted by the CONSENSE coordinator TU Eindhoven, this will be an opportunity for the early-stage researchers to have a broad introduction into the CONSENSE project and to get to know their fellow researchers across the different partnering […]

Open Positions for Innovative Training Network CONSENSE!

Open Positions for Innovative Training Network CONSENSE! Are you interested in joining the CONSENSE team as a early stage researcher (ESR)? Two beneficiaries have open positions at the moment. Find out more about the individual open positions and how to apply. We are looking forward to receiving your application! Open Positions Find out more about […]


The EU-funded Innovative Training Network (ITN) CONSENSE was funded under the H2020 MSCA call 2020. The CONSENSE project is developing a new sensor technology suitable for measuring biomolecules important for monitoring disease status and treatment efficacy. A generic technology that enables continuous measurement of a wide range of biomolecular parameters could revolutionize patient monitoring and […]